A student card will verify who you are and that you are a registered doula studies student through COTR. You may wish to obtain one and carry it with you when searching for practicum opportunities, entering the hospital or attending births.



Please find below instructions on how to get your Student Practicum ID:


1.    Send the following information to Lynn Hughes at COTR Library in Cranbrook.


a)    Student mailing address


b)    First Name, as the student commonly called, and Last Name


c)     E-mail a photo, with subject line ‘Doula Practicum Card Request’ to library@cotr.bc.ca or hughes@cotr.bc.ca.  Photos must be taken as per the following guidelines:


c.1)     Head shot from the shoulders up


c.2)     Taken against a solid coloured background, preferably grey or blue, in .jpg format


c.3)     Relaxed smiles are encouraged, but exaggerated facial expressions or hand gestures are not acceptable


c.4)     Hats or head coverings are not to be worn other than for religious or medical reasons.


If you have any question or if I can be of further assistance, please let me know.


Many thanks.


Have a great day!


With best regards,




Last modified: Thursday, 19 March 2015, 3:56 PM