Adding a page

To add a page to a wiki:

1. Select 'Edit' from the dropdown on the home-page, or sub-page, where you want to place the page link.

2. Navigate to the place in the page where you want to add the new page link and type the title of the new page inside double square brackets: ie. New Page

e.g. Displays add a page text

3. Select Save  and you will see on the page a new page link in red text displayed.

4. Click on the red link and on the next screen, select create page: 

5. You are now editing the content of the new page. Once you save your new edited page, the link from the main page will turn blue.


6. To return to the first page, select "Map" from the drop down and click on the link to the main page - on this site that page is titled "A Meta Wiki".

Hot Tip:

To make it easier to return to the original page, copy the page link and add a "return" link to your new page. That way, once you Save, you will be able to easily go back to the first page and use the link to click through to this new page.

Return to the Main Page