Course Homepage

Accessibility iconAccessibility - allows students and instructors to adjust their moodle course display for a variety of accessibility purposes.

Course Content Resources

pdf on a file File - a document, powerpoint or other content, typically MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)

blue folderFolder - contains a selection of documents, including word, powerpoint PDF, and other content

blue globe image for URLURL - a website external to Moodle accessed by a hyperlink

Kaltura video graphicKaltura Video - a video resource within the course, created and uploaded by the instructor, such as a lecture or animation

blue page  or documentPage - instructor-created content that includes text, images, video and activities in Moodle

blue open bookBook - collection of pages related to one topic that can be navigated through chapters and subchapters

blue lesson pathLesson - an activity module that includes questions as checkpoints that unlock more lesson activities

black and white h5p logoH5P Interactive Content - inserts videos, question sets, drag and drop questions, multi-choice questions, presentations and more

Communication Resources

chatChat - text-based, real-time discussion, that creates a log of the discussion for a period of time

choiceChoice - a single question posed to enrolled students, where each response is recorded with username

questionnaireQuestionnaire - a series of questions to be filled out online, i.e. end-of-term instructor evaluation

feedbackFeedback - a customizable survey with various question-types, can be anonymous if desired

open forumOpen Forum - discussion threads not confined to participants enrolled in one course

Collaboration Resources

forumForum - discussion threads designed for a specific topic, limited to students enrolled in a course

glossaryGlossary- collection of terms and phrases related to a course that are created and shared by students

databaseDatabase- large collection of student-generated data that can be commented upon and rated for accuracy by student peers

wikiWiki- enables students to collaboratively, or individually, create and edit a collection of web pages

Assessment Resources

assignment dropboxAssignment - a dropbox for documents and other media that needs to be submitted at a certain time and date

quizQuiz - the most common way to assess student from a short module quiz to final exam, timed to open a close at an exact hour

workshopWorkshop - a multistage project that encourages collaboration and even peer assessment as part of the assigned grade

attendanceAttendance - records attendance for selected course sessions

kaltura media assignment dropboxKaltura media assignment - a submission area for a Kaltura video assignment for feedback

Other and Interactive Resources

gameGame - produces course-specific games for students including crosswords, hangman, hidden picture, sudoku, cryptex, and more

external toolExternal Tool - links to an approved external LTI tool (i.e Wiley education resources), to enable learning resources from other websites and publishers

virtual programming labVirtual Programming Lab - allows students to edit source code and test programs in browser, for programming assignments

SCORM packageScorm Package - opens a collective of files in various learning object formats

Course Activity View Navigation

site home - house icon Site Home - allows students to view details of current course page and click on other courses

sections list - book iconSections List - presents a dropdown menu or each section within a course, identifying current tasks with blue text and an open circle, and completed tasks with a darkened circle

table of contents - square iconTable of Contents - allows user to navigate within the sections of book with the option to Print book or Print this chapter

other buttons - nine dots iconOther Buttons - presents a list of buttons in the navigation sidebar – clicking on each one will leave the current course page

dashboard - speedometer iconDashboard - quick access to student profile with contact information for instructors, latest announcements, grades, badges and competencies

my courses - grad cap icon My Courses - allows users to see and click on a list of courses, similar to the site menu dropdown but also allows students to view past and future courses

calendar iconCalendar - events posted on the College of the Rockies website, including national holidays and college closures, generally not course specific info such as assignment due dates

expand iconExpand - lets the user focus on the course content while removing the navigation sidebar, when selected the button is replaced by its opposite...

contract iconContract 

exit iconExit - returns the student to the course homepage

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Last modified: Thursday, 21 November 2024, 11:29 AM