The following definitions are according to the College of the Rockies Policy and Procedures, 2.4.4 Student Conduct

Academic Misconduct:
Obtaining an academic advantage dishonestly through conduct such as cheating or plagiarism. Academic dishonesty also includes gaining admission through dishonest means by providing false documentation, or by withholding information or documentation required for admission.

An act of deceit, fraud, distortion of the truth, or improper use of one’s own, or another person’s effort to obtain an academic advantage. The use or possession of an unauthorized aid(s) during any form of evaluation; using artificial intelligence (AI) in an assignment where the use of AI hasn’t been authorized; giving or receiving any unauthorized assistance in any evaluation; collaborating on work when instructed to work independently; telling other students who have their exam later, of the questions that appear on the exam.

The misrepresentation of someone’s work as one’s own including words, images, ideas, designs, phrases, computer coder computations. Plagiarism ranges from an entire assignment that is not the students own work, to specific passages within an assignment taken from a source without acknowledgment. 

Specific examples may include: 
  • Submitting as your own, work which was completed by someone else. 
  • Submitting any work copied, in whole or in part, from another source such as the Internet, journal articles or books, without reference to the original author or source. 
  • Allowing your work to be submitted by another student as their own. 
  • Allowing another student to do your lab work, assignment, or field work for you. 
  • Submitting work with misleading references, fabricated references, or data that does not reflect the sources you used.
  • Not giving credit for work that was done collaboratively.
Last modified: Tuesday, 14 January 2025, 10:44 AM